
WE celebrate MOTHER'S DAY!


Dear Friends,

Today we celebrate Mother's Day!

The origin of this day goes back to classical antiquity. In ancient Greece, the entrance of spring was celebrated in honor of Rhea, mother of the gods. The Romans, in early March, paid tribute to Cybele for three days, the mother of all gods.

The United States of America was the first country to make Mother's Day official, at the beginning of the 20th century. The initiative came from Annie Jarvis, who went into depression after losing her mother in the Civil War. Annie felt that hers and all the other American mothers deserved a tribute and started a campaign to cement the date.

In Portugal, Mother's Day was celebrated on December 8, but started to be celebrated on the 1st Sunday of May, in honor of the Virgin Mary, mother of Christ, which is celebrated during the month of May.

On this date, we pay tribute to all mothers, in order to show how much we love them and we thank them for their commitment and dedication.

MOTHER is the one who gives birth, is the one who fights, is the force of nature! MOTHER IS ETERNAL, IT'S LIFE, IT'S FAMILY, IT'S LOVE! May God bless and protect all the MOTHERS of this world!


A huge HUUUUUG! Fátima C. Brízio

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